
Digital X-Ray

Many of us might need an X-ray test at some time in our lives. If you got an internal injury, or broken bones or have an issue inside your body, digital X-rays are commonly recommended by a doctor to see what has happened inside the body. Apart from examining broken bones, X-rays are used to diagnose a variety of medical conditions and hidden issues inside the body. It can also help doctors know the conditions diagnosed by X-rays, let’s first know how X-ray works.

There are several types of medical conditions that can be diagnosed by a Digital X-ray Scan.

  • Broken bones
  • Bone infection or fractures
  • Osteoporosis (bone density check)
  • Detection of unknown objects inside the body, in rare instances.
  • Chest conditions such as chest pain, heart conditions, lung issues.
  • Dislocated joints
  • Monitor the status of arthritis
  • Tooth decay or cavities
  • Abdominal issues such as pain, in some cases, blockage of bowels.
  • To detect swallowed objects by children

How Do Digital X-rays happen in Hospitals or medical labs?

People don’t need to do any special preparation before an X-ray examination procedure. You may be asked to remove the metal objects, jewelry, or certain items before you go for a digital X-ray. As metal items can interfere with the process of X-ray testing, people who may be worried about the effects of X-ray test, need not to. Because an X-ray scan is a painless and safe procedure.

An X-ray can take up to 10-15 minutes. While the procedure is going, you will be told by the doctor to be still or don’t cause any movement. Once the pictures are taken and it will be sent to a radiologist for assessment and lastly to the doctor.